Background News and information
- News Summaries for February 98
Archive of News summaries from this page.
- NFF: using farmers' funds to aid big business Green Left Weekly #305 - 11 Feb
Background article on the National Farmers Federation who are bankrolling and directing the union busting operation, P&C Stevedores.
- Anarchist Age Weekly Review No 285 3 - 9 February 9 Feb
Anarchist comment on current news.
- Waterfront Dispute - Union Solidarity from CEPU (Communications Division) 4 Feb
"As in Telstra, the Federal Government is hoping to use their Anti-Worker, Anti-Democratic Work Place Relations Act to destroy working conditions and prevent employees from resisting, through their union....This NFF/Government campaign is not just an attack on the wages, conditions and rights of Waterfront Workers, but is essentially part of an all out war on the conditions and lives of Australian workers and their families on behalf of the Corporate Sector in Australia."
- Waterfront confrontation: right wing ideological background 3 Feb
H.R. Nichols Society, John Howard, Peter Reith, Peter Costello and Phil Gude. Backgound information on the ideology and people driving this anti union attack.
- Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance Solidarity Page for the Wharfies 3 Feb
Contains a petition in support of the workers that can be downloaded.
- Bad News Week - Umpire Bails Out! 2 Feb
Industrial Relations Commission refuses to arbitrate in Rio Tinto Dispute. CEPU union bulletin - 2 Feb 98.
- SAS claim in Docks war! 2 Feb
SAS officer alleged to be in charge of security at Webb Dock. via A-INFOS news service.
- Forget the cockies, this battle for the docks is big business! 1 Feb
News articles via A-INFOS and LEFTLINK news services.
- Critical Mass cyclists support wharfies! 31 Jan
In a show of solidarity with the MUA, a significant number of cyclists decided to ride to Webb Dock after Critical Mass.
from LEFTLINK news service
- Secret bid to stem dock war 31 Jan
News article from the Age 30 January 1998 circulated on A-INFOS News list.
- Advertisment in support of MUA 30 Jan
Request for people to support MUA through an advertisments to be placed in major newspapers.
- ACTU Media Release 29 January 1998
"The action by stevedoring company Patrick to sub lease part of Webb Dock to the National Farmers Federation (NFF) cannot be described as a bona fide attempt to establish a new operator on the Melbourne waterfront." Joint press release by ACTU and MUA.
- Australian Democrats Media Release 29 January 1998
"NFF may be acting outside the law in wharf action...."
- War on the Wharfies 17 Jan 1998
News items from the Age 13 December 1997 and Sydney Morning Herald 15 December 1997 collected and posted to the A-INFOS List on 17 January 1998.
- Mercenaries training in Dubai 3 Dec 1997
Joint Media Release ACTU & MUA - Wednesday 3 December 1997 - Sandline-style mercenaries fly to Dubai for waterfront training
from A-INFOS news service
- Ted Englart - "The Workers Will Win"
Collected from Obituaries in Tribune and Maritime Worker.
Some historical backgound (1930s & 1940s) to a former Brisbane Branch secretary of the Waterside Workers Federation - one of the precursors to the Maritime Union of Australia.
- Maritime Union of Australia - A Fight for Survival
International Labournet Webpage on the Maritime Union of Australia recent struggles, and solidarity with other union and community struggles. A comprehensive listing of articles and details.
- Maritime Union of Australia Contact Webpage
Contact details for all Branches of the Maritime Union of Australia.
Contact details for Peter Reith,
Minister for Workplace Relations and Small Business
Electoral Office: | Shop 4 184 Salmon Street Hastings VIC 3915 (PO Box 274 Hastings VIC 3915)
Electorate Tel/Fax: | (03) 5979 3188 (tel) (03) 5979 3034 (fax)
Parliament Tel/Fax: | (02) 6277 7320 (tel) (02) 6273 4115 (fax)

Contact Takver with questions Or comments about this web page . Last Modified : 24 February, 1998