Melbourne Rally - Sunday 19 September
19 September 1999 An estimated crowd of forty thousand people gathered in the center of Melbourne to protest the Indonesian military genocide on the people of East Timor. Calls were made for the withdrawal of the Indonesian military, the establishment of war crimes tribunal, and the releases of hostages in West Timor and elsewhere.
Crowds gather outside Parliament House,
Spring Street and Bourke Street, Melbourne.
Many people Called for war crimes tribunals
General Wiranto is head of the Indonesian military
and should be held accountable for the atrocities
of soldiers under his line of command.
Listening to Speakers at Parliament House
Marching up Spring Street
Many Community Organisations such as Community Aid Abroad,
and Unions such as the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU)
participated and encouraged their members to attend.
Many Church groups and socialist groups attended and marched.
A River of people flows along La Trobe Street
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