Chapter Fifteen Photos for
My Union Right or Wrong
25 of 33 slides

Ernest Judd

Photo 21KB

Ernest Judd, anti-conscriptionist, member Socialist Labor Party, delegate from the Municipal Workers Union on NSW Labor Council.

"Judd was an important member of the Socialist Labor Party and a delegate from the Municipal Workers Union on the Labor Council. He was active in the labor movement over a long period of years up to the late 1930s when the writer heard him speak in the Sydney Domain. He also played an active and powerful part in exposing the frame-up against the IWW men gaoled later in the war. At a Special Meeting of the Labor Council on 8th March, 1917, he was removed from the Council’s Executive Committee for contesting both State and Federal elections as a Socialist candidate against the PLL candidates."

from Chapter 15

My Union Right or Wrong.
A history of the Ship Painters and Dockers Union 1900-1932
By Issy Wyner
