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About 300 people gathered at the Brunswick Town Hall for a rally and march against the U.S. led war on Iraq. The rally and march was organised by the newly formed Moreland Peace Group.
Outside the Brunswick Town Hall the rally was addressed by a number of speakers including the local State member of parliament, Carlo Carli, from the Labor Party and Green Party and Fairwear activist Pamela Curr.
Brunswick, being an inner city suburb of Melbourne, has a large ethnic population containing many muslims, and still has a strong traditional working class culture. Moreland Council has adopted a strong antiwar stance since October 2002 in regards to the USA led invasion of Iraq.
At just before 11.30am the crowd started marching up Sydney Road, chanting as they went. The march contained a cross-section of Brunswick: mothers pushing strollers; people pushing shopping jeeps, children, old people, muslim men and women, local labor politicians, various socialists, anarchists and Greens.
Sydney Road is the principal thoroughfare and strip shopping centre through Brunswick and Coburg, and midday on Saturday is always very busy. A small contingent of police accompanied the march.
Outside the Brunswick Market the march stopped for a few minutes, before rallying again in a nearby car park, to hear more speakers.
The mood of the march and rallies was good natured with a feeling that a worthwhile statement had been made to other residents in Moreland.
Moreland Council Anti-war Sign on the Brunswick Town Hall |
Minutes of the Council Meeting on Monday 14 October 2002
- That Moreland Council is opposed to Australian personnel being involved in any military action against the Government of Iraq and strongly believes that the settlement of any dispute with Iraq should be resolved by peaceful negotiations and means.
- To acknowledge that the present Iraqi Government has perpetrated appalling atrocities against its own people and stays in power by conducting a reign of terror against all opposition and its people. It is not Australia’s role to change that Government in the interests of securing US control of Iraqi oil and with the very real threat of all out war in the Middle East by US action.
- To write to the Hon John Howard, Prime Minister and the Hon Simon Crean, Opposition Leader expressing Council’s strong view.
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